Phillip's 2015 Cairns to Cooktown Ride for the FNQ Hospital Foundation

News from the Cycling Yogis 2015 Team:

5/1/2016 The raffle results: Biannka B of Kuranda receives a shiraz, Ken McCormack of Mareeba receives some German beer, and Jan D from Cairns Sheridan St news receives a digital (homebrew) clock.

23/9/2015 The ride has been completed (some nasty cramps but no crashes this year). I won't draw the raffle for a few more weeks in the hope that some late sponsors might still join in the draw (crikey, surely everyone wants more microprocessor electronics or classy wine in their life...).

Cycling Yogi 2015

I am again riding in the 2015 Cairns to Cooktown Cardiac Challenge bicycle ride to raise funds for the FNQ Hospital Foundation. If you would like to sponsor my efforts, visit my official fund raising web site. All of my sponsors enter my raffle described below.
News from the 2014 raffle: Lynne received the first prize (Raspberry Pi choice, inedible) and Doris received the second prize of beer (for the second year running, and it matched her Bavarian origin)###.
The 2015 Cycling Yogis team has members ChristalBob, and Phil. This also a family effort as my mother, an uncle & aunt, and their cousins are volunteering in the organisation team.

So not sure what all the fuss is about? We have: 
  - a range climb first thing in the morning (Kuranda), 
  - annoying head winds (Mareeba to Mt Molley),
  - very cold nights (Mt Carbine & Lakeland),
  - a very steep range climb (Desailly ... a cycling challenge),
  - BBQ and beer at Lakeland (a different kind of challenge),
  - there are cattle grids (which remove "optional" bike attachments),
  - there are also very large fury animals grazing along the way.
It is ≈330km from Cairns to Cooktown! Many bananas, many chocolate muesli bars, sometimes many tyres and tubes are consumed.

Raffle Prizes for Sponsors

The 1st prize is a Kellermeister Wild Witch Shiraz (yes, I did buy a few of these). Some red wines are a bit ho-hum but the thing about the Wild Witch is the really interesting avalanche of flavours cavorting in your mouth. And that is just from the first taste ... this is a very enjoyable wine. The 2nd prize is a 6-pack of German beer chosen by Annett (who has a lot of practical knowledge regarding the drinking of German beer). Annett would have loved to ride the bike again this year (so she says...) but will instead drive the Yeti and stay in luxurious hotels! The 3rd prize is a (slightly) geeky Arduino Pro Mini microcomputer with a small backlit LCD module and an I2C crystal locked time reference that allows it to be a very accurate clock. Everyone likes clocks (well I do) and this assembled system just needs a case***.

How the draw is conducted:
We use arc4random_uniform(), so familiar to *BSD and OS-X users e.g. see this C++ program which randomly select two winners. It all just works.

If anyone sends me a question, I'll append it and an answer to the comments section below.

### I still have the pre-loved copy of the MSDOS OS programmer's manual from sometime last century which was offered as a raffle prize last year (and the year before). I've now deduced that typical Cardiac Challenge supporters just do not go for this sort of reward. However, you're free (indeed encouraged) to try to persuade me otherwise if you win any of the above prizes.

*** The source code for the AVR processor to access the Dallas Semi RTC is yet to be written so I'm really hoping someone with decent coding skills gets this prize. Otherwise I will finish the clock code I guess.

Reference: 2014 ride blog with lots of supporter comments!


pmusumeci said...

Joan M, Townsville Good luck, Phillip. Enjoy the ride.
And thank you too :-)
Ulrich W, Germany Phillip, good luck for the ride.
Thanks Uli.

pmusumeci said...

Peter Beinssen, Minyama Go getum!!
Thanks Beinssens!

pmusumeci said...

Oliver Bacchus, Cairns Hoping all yogis again arrive in good health.
Definitely! Thanks Oliver.

pmusumeci said...

Peter Ridd, Townsville
Thanks Peter.

pmusumeci said...

Larry Hore, Townsville Happy pedalling! .. and GO the Support Team! YAY!
Thank you! BTW the support team has a new member this year - Carl is going on his first road trip.

pmusumeci said...

Andrew from Pickering Brook Enjoy the ride
Thanks Andrew. We get to refine those country riding skills e.g. identify real cattle grids vs. virtual ones, etc. Sadly, no wineries like around Perth!

pmusumeci said...

Doris Pierce, Cairns If you come in 25th overall I'll donate $100 next time. May Aeolus be with you...
Thanks Doris. One year I cycled as part of pack #2 so I was roughly in the second group of 30 to arrive. It was hard work and I suspect that is as good as I will ever get! (expect to be in pack #3 this year)

pmusumeci said...

The Karran family and the Barron River Hotel (our Trivia night)
Thanks everyone.

pmusumeci said...

Biannka from somewhere in the mountains Go Phillip
Thanks Biannka

pmusumeci said...

Julius, survivor of eg10x2 Best of luck. Wish your team all the best
Thanks. Of course you are in the draw for an Arduino and display (or some other "stuff"...)

pmusumeci said...

Liz and Wayne Sandgroper, Perth May the wind be behind you all the way. Say g'day to Cooktown for us!
Dear Sandgropers, Thank you for your kind thoughts. There is one week to go so final checks of the bike are being done. Cooktown will again be a very pleasant sight.

pmusumeci said...

Lynne Kupke, Ayr Have a great time
Thanks Lynne.

pmusumeci said...

Adam & Helen, Cairns Enjoy the beer at the Lakeland Hotel - hopefully you won't be too sore!
Thanks to you both. I'm sure the current IT student rep and I will be fine, but can we find any other IT graduates to join in the ride ... an interesting question!

pmusumeci said...

John and Elaine, Innisfail
Thanks. By the way, Lakeland farming is always interesting. They have good soil and near the township, there are slightly different crops each year.

pmusumeci said...

Alan Lucas, somewhere on the east coast Have a fun ride
Thanks. We probably don't find the mining artefacts at places like Mt Carbine as interesting as you do but it will all be quite a bit of fun (especially at the end).

pmusumeci said...

Serafina & Peter Keep on keeping on & keep upright !!!
Yes - I'm very keen on the keeping on and up! Thanks Aunt & Uncle!

pmusumeci said...

Gayle Vecchio, Ayr Stay Safe !
Thanks cousin.

pmusumeci said...

Natalie, 2013 Cycling Yogi (currently on leave) Love your work Fabulous Phil!
Thanks Nat. Maybe the original team can stage a come back in cycling and yoga in 2016. Interested???

pmusumeci said...

Aidan P, Cairns
Thanks Aiden.

pmusumeci said...

Jared of Townsville Good on ya Philip & Family! Say G'day to Dale at the Mount Carbine Tavern if stopping :-)
Thanks Jared. I'll take your advice and spend some quality time at Mt Carbine Tavern ...

pmusumeci said...

Graham Woods, Townsville Ever heard of a car, motor bike or at the very least an e-bike!
Thanks Graham. Yes an e-bike is high on the wish list (roughly equal to home battery storage). On the other hand, some of my students reckon I'd have more fun on a bike with a (large) internal combustion engine while others suggest the acceleration of a fully electric "motor bike" is the ONLY way to go.

pmusumeci said...

Ken McCormack Congratulations on exceeding your goal. More pressure for next year!
Thanks Ken. If you are in Mareeba at approx. 10am Saturday, we'll be coming through. Not sure about needing more pressure for 2016 though :-)

pmusumeci said...

Megan and Charlie, Cairns Have a great time cycling yogis...Phillip, Cristal and Bob. All the best
Thank you!

pmusumeci said...

Peter Eccles, Melbourne Good luck with the ride. Luckily you've done a few of them now so you know what you're in for! Missed out in the bribe/gift draw last year ... looking to restart the lucky streak ;-)
Thanks Peter. Maybe I should send you an historical reward for hanging in as a sponsor for so long (I might just have a spare last-century type collectable).

pmusumeci said...

Mirriwinni Musumeci Cousins Well cousin, we are very proud to have you as our family representative on this phenomenal ride!
Thanks for your support. But actually, we could have more representatives. We have McNicol's and Roos's in the support team but, sadly, no Musumeci's or Lizzio's. Why is this so? Or maybe the childrens pack could gain new members in 2016...

pmusumeci said...

Gary Bryant, Cairns
Thanks Gary. Hope your Iron Man training is progressing well.

pmusumeci said...

Annett (YLW) Glad it went well and ... great dining.
Thank you Mrs Musumeci :-)

pmusumeci said...

Andrew Noske, San Francisco Have fun Phil !! :-)
Thank Noske.

pmusumeci said...

Jan at Sheridan St news Glad you made it!
Thanks Jan.

pmusumeci said...

Jan G, Melbourne Glad you had a successful ride. I lost track of time and then thought it too late to donate. But found link on your blog. Hope it works.
Yes it seems to have worked - your donation takes my fund raising to its highest ever level. Thank you!
You're a bit late for the current raffle so I'll include you in the 2016 raffle. Oh, I suppose I'll now have to go in the 2016 Cardiac Challenge...