Notes on Problem Solving

Problem Solving and Research

General advice:
  • An Introduction to Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) introduces the use of a model, systems thinking, and systems engineering. This approach also overlaps with problem solving and object modelling that people use in software engineering where one of the challenges is to get the right choice of boundaries around significant components. I found that author Craig Larman (Applying UML and Patterns) has a good experimental approach to choosing between many smaller subsystems with many inter-connections but internal simplicity versus fewer larger subsystems with fewer inter-connections but higher internal complexity (he suggests growing the boundaries until the subsystems are too complex, and then shrinking a little to get the sweet spot).
  • Wikipedia has useful information on Problem Solving including material on TRIZ (which has been used at universities such as RMIT).

Advice for graduates:
With respect to software development:

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