Phillip's 2021 Cairns to Cooktown ride for FNQHF

The ride is done and body parts are recovering.

Raffle results: draw 1 is Elaine R (Innisfail, yellow clock), draw 2 is Jan G (Melbourne, Asahi). Thanks everyone!

We raised $6834 as a team, and I thank everyone for helping me raise $3030 of that total.


Oh no! Riding in the Cardiac Challenge again.

Ride 11 for FNQHF

I am again riding in support of Cairns Hospital (FNQ Hospital Foundation) from Cairns to Cooktown in late September 2021, and seeking donations. To reward my supporters (donate here), I am raffling a hand crafted digital clock that automatically synchronises with an atomic clock reference. This year's design features a new dot matrix display (the turtles and blue dog standing next to the clock are not included):

Some design notes from last year's clock prize are a good source of info (only the display has changed). For a second prize, there is a 6-pack of Asahi Super Dry (because I really appreciate Asahi Super Dry).

My sponsorship web page is hereWith my cycling friends in our team Cycling Yogis, we ran a Trivia Night on July 22.

Other info:
    • Raffle draw details: the raffle process uses arc4random_uniform() like in this C++ program to obtain a fair result.


    pmusumeci said...

    Cycling Musumeci, Cairns: One more time ... (thank you, Daft Punk)

    TC, WA: May the odds be ever in your favour
    Thanks Tony!

    Toni W, Sydney: Hats off to you & your team!
    And thank you for your continuing support! I'm starting to recognise ant hills along the way...

    Musumeci’s from Mirriwinni: Keep peddling Cousin Phillip, you do the Family proud!
    Thank you A, L, V and M. And there are still so many bicycles available at your place ...

    Jan G, Melbourne: Looking forward to seeing the finish line photos. Best wishes Phil.
    Thanks Jan. Hope MLB life is OK for you at the moment. Does Brunetti's deliver? (I hope so)

    Peter Beinssen, Sunshine Coast: Peddle like there's no tomorrow but avoid parked cars.
    Thank you PB. I have to admit that during the ride, I might not peddle like time is about to end but it is possible to manage breathing & postures, and grab some mental clarity!

    pmusumeci said...

    Hetty M, Cairns: Good on you Phil!!
    Thanks Hetty. The ride lets us see the area west of Kuranda and it looks quite good for mountain bike riding.

    pmusumeci said...

    Ken M, Tablelands: Again!! I thought you were retiring a few years ago. All the best
    Hey, not yet! Maybe we'll meet at the Mareeba marshalling point. Thank you.

    Alan L, Cairns: Hi Phillip, hope you enjoy the ride
    Thanks Alan. I'm hoping it goes well.

    Andrew Duncan, WA: Have another good trip Phillip
    Thanks. Definitely recognising the ant hills these days.

    Lynne K, Ayr:   Best wishes for a good and safe ride
    Thank you, Lynne. We won't have our mother&aunt in the support team this year but maybe next year.

    pmusumeci said...

    Graham W, Townsville: Hold on and enjoy the ride.
    Thanks Graham. Did you know that there are usually a couple of pack leaders in the ride who come from Townsville ...

    pmusumeci said...

    Joan M, Townsville: Once again, enjoy the ride. Have fun.
    Thank you mother! (but we'll miss you in the support team)

    pmusumeci said...

    R Smith, Sydney: Go PM! Ride that lockdown dream for us
    Thanks for the sponsorship, Smith, and we all hope "life in Sydney" is getting better soon or that we can get you out on a bicycle.
    And thanks for doing your bit for FNQ hospital foundation (it might yet come in handy if you're filming "life on Cape York" where rather long reptiles are known to seek the company of bipeds ...).

    pmusumeci said...

    A pirate, location unknown: Message unknown, identity unknown, raffle prize delivery uncertain.
    Well you've certainly made it interesting if you win the raffle. Worth a shot though since time keeping is important for pirate navigation :-)
    Thank you and have a nice day, matey!

    Alex, Mel and the boys, Cairns:
    Thank you all! And thinking of boys on bikes, I wonder what the minimum age for participating in this FNQHF fundraiser is?
    I may have heard of 12 year olds sharing some riding. Shall discuss with Jasper...

    pmusumeci said...

    John G, Newcastle: Good luck Phil!
    Thanks John.
    Of course, if anyone at Locata won a clock, I'd need to (seriously) refactor the clock code before showing it!

    Roberts Family, FNQ:
    Dear pirates Jon, Linda and Emilie, thank you for your support. (still suspect JR was involved with the pirate donation)

    The Ansell Rellies, Townsville: Take it easy, ride well & no punctures
    Hi cousins, Uncle, Aunt, and family, thank you! I hope to achieve the first 2 of 3 and with a bit of luck #3 as well. BTW, I think I'll need a couple of you to do some ESP8266 or ESP32 lab work if you win a clock ... otherwise it would not be fair on those of you without an ntp-locked small clock.

    Jim & Tiffany T, Cairns
    Thank you.

    pmusumeci said...

    Aidan, FNQ: Encouragement!
    Thank you!

    Peter Eccles, Melbourne:  Good luck, and enjoy the views!
    Yes, and in only about an hour.  Thanks for supporting Cairns FNQHF again.

    David Anthony, Cairns.
    Thanks David.

    pmusumeci said...

    Michael Ridd, Tablelands
    Thanks for again supporting the fnqhf.

    Michael P, Cairns: Congrats on your efforts for a good cause.
    Thanks Michael. The ride went quite well and the total raised this year is quite surprising.

    Larry H, Townsville:
    Hi Larry, thanks for the support and yet it seems we haven't managed to get an engineering team together.
    [we might need to get cracking soon because I notice in 2021 that, equipment-wise, the bike needed less maintenance than the body]

    Elaine R, Innisfail/Tablelands.
    Hi Elaine, thanks for your support this year and in fact for supporting my fnqhf efforts for the 10th time. I really appreciate your backing as you and John have been good mentors to me (oh, those discussions that unpeel some issue and expose misunderstanding).

    pmusumeci said...

    Hatty, Mackay: Go frit Phil.
    Thanks David!

    pmusumeci said...

    The Webb Clan, Canberra: My tail hurts thinking of 300 km of bike seat but FNQHF is glad you're manlier than me :D Go Phil!
    Dear Webb clan, the Musumeci and McNicol clans thank you for your interest in our fnqhf fundraising ride and the welfare of our backsides. I needed a small amount of "roadside assist" but still did (roughly) a bit more than 310km. Thank you all. By the way, you just made the total reach $3030!