Phillip's 2020 Cairns to Cooktown ride for FNQHF

Ride 10 for FNQHF

The ride is done and body parts are recovering.
Raffle results: draw 1 is Christal B (green clock), draw 2 is Doris P (yellow clock).
Thanks to everyone for help and sponsorship in 2020!


I am riding in the next Cardiac Challenge fund raiser for Cairns Hospital and the FNQ Hospital Foundation. The FNQHF have obtained official approval for the fund raiser to proceed in a covid-19 safe mode this year with a limited number of riders and also with limits on supporters and others. If any last minute delay occurs, I'll just carry on when it eventually runs but for now, the July approval means we ride in September as scheduled.

For supporters: I am again raffling a hand crafted digital clock amongst my supporters, with the winner having the option of a Kellermeister red wine instead. Obviously, one of these prizes will have a longer shelf life than the other (I try to cater to broad supporters' taste). As you would expect, the digital clock is automatically synchronised with an atomic clock reference ***. For a second prize, there is a 6-pack of Asahi Super Dry with the winner having an option for a Ginger Beer 6-pack (Bundaberg) instead.

The donation web page is and my acknowledgements web page is at

Thank you,


*** If the raffle winner is into DIY gadgets, they might be tempted by a hacked analogue clock that is also synchronised to a time reference. We shall see.

Other info:

    • Raffle draw details: the raffle process uses arc4random_uniform() like in this C++ program to obtain a fair result.    
    • Raffle prize details: the first prize is a great hand crafted NTP clock which synchronises itself to an atomic accuracy time reference (via a wifi link). Your prize currently looks like the circuit on the left but soon will look like the clock on the right
    and the hacker "dream prize" is currently looking like
    [using an esp8266 to drive the motor but a GPS receiver is also being tested].


    pmusumeci said...

    Mr E. Fudd (aka Bob), Cairns: Get on with it
    Well obviously someone has to do it!
    Anyway, thank you for being the #1 ticket holder in the yet to be announced timely raffle.

    pmusumeci said...

    Jan G, Melbourne: You are amazing. Go Phillip.
    Thanks Jan and all of the Greensmiths. I'm sure that FNQ-ers hope life becomes better soon in MLB.

    Alan L, Cairns: Glad to support your ride again.
    Thank you Alan. Although it doesn't seem quite right that I visit places like Mt Carbine while you are in green clean Cairns.

    pmusumeci said...

    Toni W, Sydney: Good to know our roles remain unchanged again this year - You ride, I sponsor. :)
    Thanks but I might need to hand the baton to someone else soon? Toni, we could still have one rider and one sponsor...

    pmusumeci said...

    Jesse H, Cairns: Great Work Phil!

    Thank you. I hope the next study period is going well (looks like on-line study was unavoidable this year).

    Deby R, Mossman: Good on ya Phillip!

    Thanks Deby. We get to see some of the road transports heading to Mt Molloy and then east with sugar cane on the ride. And experience some solid cross winds!

    pmusumeci said...

    Andrew D, Perth: Enjoy the ride and stay safe

    Thanks, hopefully all will go well with body and bike.

    pmusumeci said...

    Roberts Family, Cairns:   Have fun!
    Hey thank you Emilie (-et-al). I hope all of your bicycles are working well, and those parents are deep in training...

    pmusumeci said...

    Coralie V, Cairns: I hope you have fabulous weather all the way

    Including a tail wind :-)    Thank you!

    pmusumeci said...

    Peter E, Melbourne: Good luck with the ride - make sure you're all in one piece when you get to the finish line! Meanwhile, I'll probably still be in hibernation cheering you along...
    Thank you. We're all hoping that your hibernation can finish quickly ... definitely before this September ride.

    pmusumeci said...

    Graham W, Townsville: If I win the raffle, I'm not sure about the clock. The last one I got from you goes backwards, still!
    Hey, I'm sure your family requested a backwards clock that time. But you have given me an idea for a future Cardiac Challenge raffle ... I suppose it would need the clock internals to be upgraded to a GPS locked stepper motor and go backwards. Thank you.

    pmusumeci said...

    Christal B, Cairns: May you peddle like a crazy yogi :-)
    Yet with a sense of calm determination! Hey thank you!

    pmusumeci said...

    Joan M, Townsville: Keep peddling, Phillip. Enjoy the ride.
    Yes mother, and don't forget you'll be in the E-pack next year :-)  Thank you!

    pmusumeci said...

    Doris P, Cairns: May the wind be with you!
    And no breaking of spokes along the way in 2020. Thanks Doris, and I hope your cycling is going well.

    pmusumeci said...

    Jim & Tiffany T, Cairns: Good on you!
    Thank you. I hope the student is zooming along just fine.

    pmusumeci said...

    Sarah, Planet Earth: Have a great cycle!
    Thank you Sarah, whoever you are and wherever you are from!

    pmusumeci said...

    > Lynne K, Ayr:  Enjoy your ride!
    Thanks Lynne. It is definitely going to be different with the covid-safe rules.

    pmusumeci said...

    Ian S, Canberra: Good job, enjoy.
    Thank you from FNQ! I hope that if you win a clock, you look at the clock and not the somewhat old source code.

    John G, Newcastle area:  Nice work Phil!
    Thanks John. As I mentioned to Ian, I hope none of you guys looks at the clock source code (which actually has a FreeRTOS foundation).

    pmusumeci said...

    Natalie H, Cairns:  Have a fun ride Phil. Wow 10 years ....such dedication. Well done!
    Thanks Nat! I do occasionally recognise ant hills but most of the time the ride seems fresh and new (or at least the body's attempt to handle it seems new). Oh, and the windiness of Cooktown still surprises me.

    pmusumeci said...

    Ken M, Mareeba:  Got an SMS this morning saying the range was closed and remembered I forgot to donate. All the best.
    Thanks Ken. I was wondering if I would see you in Mareeba where the pit stop after riding from Lake Placid had very tasty blueberries (as well as the usual fruits).

    pmusumeci said...

    Musumeci Cousins Mirriwinni:  You make us proud Cousin !
    Hey thanks for the support. Still no sign of the Mirriwinni Cycling Team heading north in 2020. Maybe 2021?