Phillip's 2014 Cairns to Cooktown ride for the FNQ Hospital Foundation

The ride is done. The Cycling Yogis team page shows that we have raised over $5000 in 2014!!!  Thank you to everyone who supported us!  Please scroll down for support and thank you messages.

Raffle results: congratulations to Lynne Kupke and Doris Pierce.


I am riding in the 2014 Cairns to Cooktown Cardiac Challenge to raise funds for the FNQ Hospital Foundation. News from the 2013 raffle: Jan received the Taylors wine and Doris received the Coopers beer. They both seem very happy with their "inducements", and apparently even happier than winners of the high quality Smart Ass bicycle mudguards in 2012.

Cycling Yogis v2.0 (2014)Our first Cycling yogis team all made it to Cooktown but sadly two of them are unable to ride this year (incompatible derrières versus bicycle seats perhaps). However, we have now recruited Bob Karran so the 2014 team is Christal, Bob, and Phil. There is also something of a family effort as my mother and her cousins are again volunteering in the support team.

So not sure what all the fuss is about?

How about: range climb (Kuranda), hot head winds (Mareeba to Mt Molley), cold night (camping at Mt Carbine), steep range climb (Desailly), primary school BBQ and beer (camping at Lakeland), final range descent (Cooktown). That is approximately 330km from Cairns to Cooktown!
Hey Bob, the Desailly range will be so so easy. Really.

Remember it is all to help our FNQHF help Cairns and Cape York health care.

So the next question for this year is how do I again persuade you to hand over your loot?
Well, not wanting to judge anyone, but bribes did seem to help in 2013.

Inducements/Bribes for Supporters

1st prize: choice of Raspberry Pi computer or Kellermeister Wild Witch Shiraz

This prize will help you grow your brain or sooth your already large brain (donors of our ride are well endowed mentally!). You might think this first option is meant for my Computer Science and Engineering graduates (or current students) but hey, we all appreciate culture and award winning beverages which is exactly what Kellermeister wines provide.

On the other hand, I reckon it would be really neat if family and friends chose the Raspberry Pi ... they have a thousand and one uses. Here is one being an atomic locked python clock while perched on top of the HiFi amp (the RPi unit is behind the green LED display). Oh, and you can also use them as a home media centre with very active hobbyist support. They're also great for children to learn to program or experiment in maths - don't worry, no child will be adversely affected, even if writing clock code in python, although they might one day become eligible for...

GEEK prize (not a 2nd prize): an unopened shrink-wrapped copy of genuine MSDOS plus a pre-loved copy of the MSDOS OS programmer's manual (click the image to see the source code).

Not really into historic OSes? No problem!

It will be possible for you to choose a beer 6-pack to dull the OS pain but we might insist you still take the unopened genuine DOS (come on, it is a collector's item so, for sure, it is very very valuable).  Anyway, lets assume a choice of either a Coopers, 150-lashes, Little Creatures, or Fat Yak type of 6-pack. The OS portion of this "prize" is donated by cycling yogi Bob Karran - thanks Bob (he has yet to start his yoga practice). Bob must have really enjoyed our cp2002/cp2005 computer architecture and operating systems studies:-)

How to support the cause

Please visit this Cycling Yogis link for an overview and further web link.  Your short witty message is sent to me (if you support me) and I'll acknowledge your generosity with a reply below. Sample of witty comments: 2012, 2013 (at the end).

How fair is the draw?

Very fair indeed! I'll again use this C++ program to randomly select two winners. As in 2013, I guess I'll use random data from a News Corp web site (any of their sites will be fine) to randomise the selection ...


If anyone (including Evan or Peter) sends me a question, I'll add it and the answer to the comments section below. Previous questions and answers: 2011.


pmusumeci said...

Annett M, Cairns Enjoy the Challenge and the slightly faster peddle this year:-) Have a safe trip! XXX Annett

Thank you :-)

Joan M, Townsville Once again, good luck, Phillip. I hope you get lots of donations. Mother

And thank you too :-)

Mihai Rotaru, Adelaide Sealed copy of MSDOS? Heck Yeah! Also, um, supporting foundations. Yes.

Thank you! There is even a free gift certificate inside the shrink wrap but I can't say what it is until after we open it! Something in addition to bugs for a PC ... I may even cry when it leaves my office.

But not as much should any immediate family win it :-)

Peter & Beryl Beinssen, Buddina Happy to contribute but need to be assured of a fair reward (of the material kind). Man cannot live on warm and fuzzy feelings alone.

Crikey, you just have to trust my random number generator. You will have the same chance as anyone else :-) BTW there is a geeky media joke lurking in the source code.

pmusumeci said...

Andrew Duncan, Perth Hope you have good weather. Enjoy the ride.

Thanks Andrew. It is a few weeks earlier this year so conditions should be cooler during the day for riding (and also for camping in the open at night!).

pmusumeci said...

Lynne Kupke, Ayr Hi Phillip, Hope the weather is kind. Have a good time. Best Wishes.

Thanks for your support. I'm sure we'll have a pretty good time. My mother especially enjoys this Cooktown trip (as I'm sure you can imagine).

pmusumeci said...

John Ridd, Innisfail It is easier by car - if you are as lazy as me.

Thanks but is it the case that we can improve your behaviour?. Suggestion #1 which I'll call the "carrot approach": we set up some feed stops at 20km intervals and only feed you as you reach each one. Hang on, that is what we do in the Cardiac Challenge...

pmusumeci said...

Doris Pierce, Cairns May the winds be with you ;-)

Thank you. I do remember head winds when riding north from Mareeba. Luckily, I also remember the buzz at the Mt Carbine hotel.

pmusumeci said...

Aidan Paget, Cairns
Thanks Aiden. You're the first from the forever-renamed hangout to send support! Dr Phil

pmusumeci said...

Natalie Hermon, Cairns Love your work Fabulous Phil!
Thanks Nat. Let's update your bike and reform the (cycling yogi) group next year :-)

Loretta and Andrew Musumeci, Mirriwinni We fear that, visually, the average beauty of the team has dropped this year :-) Good luck!
Oh well I'm sure Bob will be beaming forth once he joins us (and you) in some ashtanga. Thanks again.

pmusumeci said...

Larry Hore, Townsville All the very best!
Well, um, yes, that is one great set of wishes! I promise to really burn rubber heading up Desailley range. Hey Larry, thank you very very much. We have to meet when next in TSV - last year's investigations of TSV Strand ice cream found it similar to sources on Maggie Island but testing is incomplete...

pmusumeci said...

Peter Eccles, Melbourne Good luck! I'm rolling the dice on the bribe/gift draw, didn't win last year; looking to restart the lucky streak ;-)
Yeah, wasn't sure if I should call you personally when you missed out last time. May your chances for a Raspberry Pi be higher than those for DOS stuff. Thanks for your support.

pmusumeci said...

Evan Greensmith, Melbourne [no witty comment provided]
pm: But ... where is the witty comment?
eg: I think I used up all my wit in my late 20s, early 30s. At least I thought I was very funny.
pm: Yeah - we all thought you were "funny" back then :-). Thanks Evan!

pmusumeci said...

Ulrich Walter, Idstein, Germany

The outdoors will not be quite as enjoyable without that German chocolate (but we'll survive)! Thanks Uli and Martina!

pmusumeci said...

Ken Mccormack, Mareeba Keep it up. All the Best.
Thanks Ken - hope all is well with you and your family.

Julie Woodward, Cairns
Thanks Julie. So, I wonder if the Woodwards-et-al might consider cycling in 2015...

pmusumeci said...

Andrew Noske, San Francisco Proud of you Phil ! I'll donate a bit to Bob too... take good care of him on the ride. :) -- A.
Thanks Noske. We'll definitely take good care of Bob (he keeps us up-to-date with quad-copters). On the other hand, when we reach the Mt Carbine hotel, we may not be able to give guarantees (sure can be thirsty after that first 100+ km). Come next Monday, we'll be dreaming of Cardiac Challenge 2015!

pmusumeci said...

Jim, Tiffany & Zoe Turnour, Cairns Good luck from Jim, Tiff and Zoe. I've never seen ashtanga yoga on a bike before.
Well we might have to get back to you with a report on specific mobile ashtanga poses (and any data gathered)! Thank you.

Brad Bloomfield, Melbourne That should take you over you team's goal for 2014. Hope the trip goes smoothly for you all.
Thanks Brad. BTW the inland road is now all sealed, unlike when we were at Lion's Den and got to try Bloomfield(!) Road at night.

pmusumeci said...

Cathy Lovern, Cairns Om .........................
Yes we might need to help the body recover each night with that wish! Thanks Cathy.

Graham Woods, Townsville I would much rather the toolbox amplifier than any of the other prizes! You still have that? Wish you fair skies, a following wind and a soft saddle.
Thanks for your support. Hmm ... last week, I replaced that backup amp by a new bought amp due to an "issue" with a DC-controlled electronic mains switch (and a related new smell in the toolbox). I'm happy to send you a copy of the main circuits (the amp part is but if you win in the draw, I'll probably try to convince you to "take the Pi".

pmusumeci said...

Angus Mccoll Have a great ride Phillip.
Thanks Angus. BTW we really must organise your set of (bicycle) wheels before next year, assuming you're not off touring the world!

pmusumeci said...

Toni Wynne, Sydney Better you than me! Good Luck.
Thanks Toni. Maybe it will soon be time to get that (new) bicycle and check out some of those NSW national parks!

Peter Ridd, Townsville
Thanks Peter. BTW I hear that next year's ride will match uni/school breaks. Interesting ???

pmusumeci said...

Oliver Bacchus, Cairns Happy to learn that all yogis arrived in good health (and even did poses on the way).
Thanks Oliver.

pmusumeci said...

Naomi Bitmead, Bern, Switzerland All the best and good luck with those hills :)
Thanks Naomi. I had a some major luck on the ride --- 2km after zooming down the Byerstone Range at speeds reaching 70km/hr, I had a blow out. Very lucky it was after the descent.

pmusumeci said...

Arthur Steen Well done
Thanks Arthur. You mentioned a BMX attempt at this one year ... any thoughts about when?