The ride is done for 2012 and here are the prize winners. The ride to the start at Cazalys was slowed by a puncture in the dark that cut through the front tyre. The climb up Kuranda was a nice warm up and then there were two punctures on the way to Mareeba before I could replace the front tyre. We organised into packs for the ride to Mt Carbine and our pack 2 rode strongly into the head winds so we were all able to enjoy the AFL final (Mt Carbine being an AFL hot spot). Pack 2 was halved at the start of day 2 as riders reassessed which group to ride with. We headed north and tackled the Desailly Range individually (it didn't seem as tough as in 2011) and then passed through Palmer River (lunch) before arriving at Lakeland where a rugby league yearly ritual awaited. I was still recovering from minor flu symptoms so I didn't do the optional 25km before heading to Cooktown. There seemed to be more people from Brisbane and Sydney this year - all adding to the variety. Thank you to everyone who sponsored me.
To simply donate: This link takes you to the secure donation web page (SSL 3.0 encryption).
Begin by clicking on Sponsor this rider, step 1 is to supply details for a tax deductible receipt, step 2 is to finish with credit card details and a short message that goes on the official web site. If the site response is slow, please be patient and click the payment button just once.
Inducement updates: (details below) 14 Sept- mystery prize now demystified, BSD prize drawn last (not a booby prize!); 23 Sept- more mudguard rewards; 24 Sept- sponsors with a smart phone get a free app (see one more thing).
September 29-October 1 |
I'm again riding in the Cardiac Challenge Cairns to Cooktown fundraiser for the FNQ Hospital Foundation and so once again I ask for your support.
Apparently, cycling 335km was thought a little too easy so in 2012 the leading packs now travel either 375km or 385km. Rejoice! We will camp overnight at Mt Carbine and Lakeland Downs, sampling the local delights. Who'd have thought that the Mt Carbine hotel is a center of excellence for AFL in the very very FNQ? Or that the Desailly Range ++ is such a hoot compared to the somewhat trivial Kuranda range?
My leading sponsor (TheMother) is again volunteering in the support crew but it would be nice to find some more sponsors so I've decided to raffle a few goodies in order to suppress my guilt at begging and bugging everyone. Now these aren't just any goodies ... we actually learnt from designing the "bribes" to tempt you last year.
In 2012, we have new guiding principles: 1) Keep it simple; 2) Keep it ethical as much as possible; 3) Try to find rewards that people might actually desire.
Oh sure I admit there was fun to be had conjuring up all manner of esoteric prize classes last year (see winners). So much fun in fact that the rules were out of control and we had to read them over and over and over again in order to figure out who could win what and for which reason and with whom when shared. And we even needed an FAQ to explain prize categories, although that was inevitable given our sophisticated and unique sponsors.
There are
the type 1 prize aims to deliver a lucky winner some joy of the world, in a South Australian kind of way, through the magic of a 2008 Kellermeister Dry Grown Shiraz. We all know that South Australia is a very dry place but our Barossa Valley vintners at Kellermeister actually restrict even the usual water regime for their chosen Shiraz vines. They say it makes for a more intense flavour though I wonder if it is the pain of the vines that brings out their best. But don't you worry about that - this top prize will verily spirit the winner to a better place where luxuriating in the joy(s) of life seems simply so very natural ^^;
the type 2 prizes will clean up your cycling in wet weather. Yes, in 2012, the prizes can even help you if you cycle. I speak of the mud stripe that can go from the tip of your helmet all the way down your shirt to the crack in (or on) the seat of your bike. It gets just that little bit wet here in the tropics but our Swedish designer friends at have come to the rescue with the SmartAss emergency fender. Just drool at their Smart Ass saving techniques (and general attractiveness of the novel cycling view) in this action video from the new genre jock shock (certainly not shock jock). There will soon be
34 much cleaner and clearly much smarter cyclists in our midst $$;the type 3 prize wants to help you become a better person. This prize has been tested by a Cairns Ashtanga yoga teacher (thanks Oliver) and it will empower your inner geeklet. Into your upturned palms will be placed a reservoir containing PCBSD - a tool from this century that grows your inner geeklet almost as fast as if you had dosed up on EPO ##, and allow her/him/itself to reconsecrate a windows PC with something a bit like linux, but better. Something a bit like the Macintosh OSX, but more purely Californian. Something almost exactly like FreeBSD, but instead ready to use. And you can even hack it while retaining any normal personality you might have. One lucky winner ** will receive this PCBSD enlightenment (or at least get a very fine flash memory stick). Don't know what this prize is? No worries - you will if you win it;
- the final type of prize has come about after discussions with Uli (ashtanga). At first, it was to be a mysterious Klimt poster but now the inductee will select a poster by one of the local Cape York artists Narrell Boys, Robert Savage, Jardunde, or Billy Missi. While cyclists get closer to nature all the way to Cooktown, others are off to Bali for yet another yoga retreat (well done Uli and friends from our Cairns ashtanga group).
One more thing: All sponsors with an iPad/iPhone/iPodTouch receive a copy of the snappycam app (by John Papandriopoulos) and sponsors with an android phone/tablet receive a bendy backwards clock app (by me, delivery before xmas).
In 2012, we offer spiritual uplift, geekiness and cleaner backsides while begging for hearty support - who could say no to that? Please use this donation link to support the FNQHF Cardiac Challenge, email me with any questions, and pass this web page URL onto others who you suspect might be susceptible.
Thank you,
Note: receipts (sample) are emailed but please tell me if you donate anonymously so I can thank you.
Footnotes/fineprint:++ Click the northern marker in this Desailly Range map to pop up the 200m climb at the 26km point in my 2011 ride.
^^ "But don't you worry about that" was a common saying in QLD politics last century - we've moved on since then. If the winner happens to live closer to the Barossa Valley than Cairns, then we'll offer a swap for some Mt Uncle distillery Limecello Liqueur from the Atherton Tablelands.
$$ Smart colours such as kryptonite green, ballsy blue, and zingy orange will be awarded. The colour of your bicycle will be taken into account.
## Not that we're saying performance enhancing drugs are associated with cycling, or indeed hacking.
** Shucks we try to lead an ethical life here at Lake Placid and so all 2011 winners of computer software & hardware (oh the bliss in holding a genuine unopened Windows-95...) will be "upgraded" as we seek forgiveness for past exuberance (sorry JW, EG, PE and MB).
Links: snapshots (2012 bicycle, 2011 total funds raised).