Acoustic ranging with M-sequence TX and FFT-based cross correlator

This is part of an acoustic ranging system ("sonar") used in sugar cane harvester automation experiments.
* Acoustic Ranging program containing M-sequence based output waveform
* generator and a cross correlator based on a Fast Fourier Transform
* for a Hewlett Packard HP 21MX minicomputer
* - written by phillip <> (masters degree)
* - This program provided a basic acoustic sonar system with digitally
*   generated transmit sequences, cross correlation facilities to detect
*   significant return signals (and associated distance to reflectors
*   causing maximum peak echos) implemented via FFT/iFFT calls, and
*   direct control of the receiver gain;
* - The target machine was an HP 21MX minicomputer with (by memory) the
*   optional floating point */+- maths instructions present but no
*   scientific functions like trig (so the code includes some trig
*   support).  An interesting aspect of the instruction set was that
*   subroutine return addresses were stored in the memory location at the
*   start of the subroutine so that an indirect jump via this (known)
*   memory location made possible a return to just after the call at any
*   (unknown) location i.e. subroutines without the use of a stack, and
*   note the NOP instruction at the start of subroutines which is over-
*   written with the return address;
* - The IO involved TTL logic and a high speed 8bit ADC that was controlled
*   via a MC6840 pulse/timer chip and MC6821 parallel IO chip hanging off
*   an 8bit buss, and a DAC and storage CRO was used to provide graphical
*   output;
* - It gets interesting near string "Signal processing section" e.g. FFT in
*   assembly with sine tables (an implementation of a sine function using
*   half/quarter/8th/16th/… approximation), a square root function, etc.

        ORG     100B
*  Program ESS26.MXA
*  6840 Timer capability
*  DMA capability
*  FFT capability
*  Port 10 : bit15 activates the 7475's on the D/A board
*            bit14 activates the 7475 on the RX2 board
*            bit 13 triggers the CRO when plotting correlograms
*            bit12 is the RX2 receive enable (arbitrary)
* Check the end of the XF routine to choose between
* execution speed and typed output.
CNST1   EQU     256             B1,S1&Z1 length = 512 8bit numbers
CNST2   EQU     2048            CARA? length = 512 complex numbers
        JSB     INITL           Determine 8bit mem addresses and other constants
        JMP     OPS
NB      DEC     512             Number of points in the complex array
N       DEC     9       = log to base 2 of (NB)
*   The length of buffers B1 and S1 is found with %% symbols
OPS     JSB     PAPWS           Reset the TTY width counter
        JSB     START           Print '*' and spaces
        JSB     COMIN           Get the next command string
        LDB     INPS2           Load start add of input buf for LBT instruction
        JSB     GET2            Extract first 2 ascii chars from the input buf
* Command identification section
        CPA     TY              TYpe ?
        JMP     TYX
        CPA     PU              PUnch ? (PTP)
        JMP     PUX
        CPA     RE              REad ?  (PTP)
        JMP     REX
        CPA     RG
        JMP     RGX             Adjust the RX (2a) gain
        CPA     TW              Set TTY Width  ?
        JMP     TTYW
        CPA     EF
        JMP     EFX             Flip the echo inhibit bit in TESTB
        CPA     CL              Clear all arrays ?
        JMP     CLEAR
        CPA     TM
        JMP     TMXI,I  Enter the MC6840 service routine
        CPA     SP
        JSB     SPX             Perform signal processing
        CPA     XC
        JMP     XCXI,I  Enter the cross correlation test routine
        CPA     XF
        JMP     XFXI,I  Enter the fast XC routine
        CPA     XE
        JMP     XEXI,I  Prepare the TX side of the fast XC
        CPA     TX
        JMP     TXX             Test transmit routine using D/A
        CPA     RP
        JMP     RPX             Perform test read of port10
        CPA     FT
        JMP     FTXI,I  FFT test routine
        CPA     SPAC2
        JMP     OPS             No command was entered , return to top
        JMP     OPS             A sub was called since A = 0
*** End of command word comparisons
OPS1    LDB     ER1S            Load start add of err message
        JSB     ASCT            Output the error message
        JSB     CRLF
        JMP     OPS             Return to start of inputing sequence
* Command character table
FT      ASC     1,FT
XC      ASC     1,XC
XF      ASC     1,XF
XE      ASC     1,XE
TX      ASC     1,TX
RP      ASC     1,RP
SP      ASC     1,SP
TY      ASC     1,TY
PU      ASC     1,PU
RE      ASC     1,RE
CL      ASC     1,CL
TW      ASC     1,TW
RG      ASC     1,RG
EF      ASC     1,EF
TM      ASC     1,TM
SPAC2   ASC     1,      
ER1S    DEF     ER1
        LDA     DOT
        JSB     AOUT
        LDA     SPACE
        JSB     AOUT
        JMP     START,I
EFX     TBS     NECHO           TESTB  This routine flips the echo control bit in TESTB
        JMP     EFX1
        SBS     NECHO           TESTB
        JMP     OPS
EFX1    CBS     NECHO           TESTB
        JMP     OPS
NECHO   OCT     2
TTYW    INB             This section sets the TTY width
        JSB     ASCBN
        STA     PAPW
        JMP     OPS             Return for next command
PAPWS   NOP             Reset the TTY width counter
        LDA     PAPW
        STA     WIDTH           Set maximum width reg for TTY
        JMP     PAPWS,I
PAPW    DEC     50
*  This routine adjusts the RX gain
RGX     INB     BIT14           activates the 7475 on the RX2 board
        JSB     GET2
        STA     ARGX
        LDA     CD1
        STA     DARGX
        JSB     ASCBN
        STA     DARGX
        LDA     ARGX
        CPA     UP
        LDB     M1              Shall increase gain
        CPA     DN
        LDB     CD1             Shall decrease gain
        JMP     RGX2            Shall type out the gain only
        LDA     01
        MPY     DARGX           Determine the new gain-value-select increment
        JMP     RGX1
        SBS     SIGN            00
RGX1    ADA     RXPT
        LDB     00
        CLB                     Set RXPT up to 0
        ADA     M8
        LDB     CD8             Set RXPT down to 8
        STB     RXPT            Reset the gain value
        CBX                     Store for indexed addressing
        LAX     RXDAT           Get gain value
        AND     RMASK           Remove type-out bits , obtain 4 data bits
        IOR     BIT14           Set the gain-load bit high
        JSB     OUT10
        AND     BITS8
        JSB     OUT10           Deactivate the gain-load line   
RGX2    LDX     RXPT
        LAX     RXDAT           Load the gain
        LDB     RMASK
        CMB                     Obtain mask for typing out the gain
        AND     01
        STA     ARGX            Store the gain
        TBS     NECHO           TESTB
        JMP     RGX3
        LDB     RGMS
        JSB     ASCT            'RX GAIN = '
RGX3    LDA     ARGX
        JSB     INT16           Type out the gain value
        JMP     OPS
ARGX    BSS     1       Stores A, the new gain value
DARGX   BSS     1       Stores the gain adjust  [1-8]
UP      ASC     1,UP
DN      ASC     1,DN
RMASK   OCT     170000
RXPT    OCT     4       Pointer to the RXDAT array (0<=RXPT>=8)
* Global pointers and constants
SIGN    OCT     100000                  Mask used to set a sign bit
TESTB   BSS     1       General purpose test word
*  Bit 1 used in subroutine BAI
*  Bit 2 used in routine EFX
*  Bit 3 used to speed up XC routine
WIDTH   BSS     1
EXT     OCT     60
MINUS   ASC     1,!-  #### Extra character present ,cannot use compare tests ##
BELL    OCT     7
STAR    ASC     1,?*  ####
DOT     ASC     1,,.  ####
SQRTI   DEF     SQRT            Useful for indirect addressing of SQRT
CRT     OCT     15              <CR>
DELET   OCT     177             DELETE
SPACE   OCT     40
DCRA1   DEF     CARA1           Start address of complex array 1
DCRA2   DEF     CARA2           Start address of complex array 2
DCRA3   DEF     CARA3           Start address of complex array 3
CD0     OCT     0       OCTal for a 0
CD1     OCT     1
CD2     OCT     2
CD3     OCT     3
CD4     OCT     4
CD5     OCT     5
CD6     OCT     6
CD8     DEC     8
CD9     DEC     9
CD10    DEC     10
CD15    DEC     15
CD16    DEC     16
CD20    DEC     20
CD30    DEC     30
CD32    DEC     32
CD55    DEC     55
CD64    DEC     64
CD60    DEC     60
CD128   DEC     128
CD250   DEC     250
CD255   DEC     255
CD256   DEC     256
CD512   DEC     512
CD1E4   DEC     1000
BITS7   OCT     177             Mask for 7 bits
BITS8   OCT     377             Mask to get 8bits
BIT3    OCT     4       Speed up XC routine mask
BIT13   OCT     020000
BIT14   OCT     040000
BIT15   OCT     100000                  Mask to get the 15th bit
D1024   DEC     1024
D1023   DEC     1023
M1      OCT     -1
M2      OCT     -2
M4      DEC     -4
M8      DEC     -8
M12     DEC     -12
M60     OCT     -60
M256    DEC     -256
M1024   DEC     -1024
C1      BSS     1
C2      BSS     1
COMIN   NOP             This subroutine inputs ascii into INP
CM0     LDA     SPACE           Load a ' '
        LDB     INPS2           Load buffer INP start add
CM1     SBT             Store ' 's in the buffer INP
        CPB     INPF2
        JMP     CM2
        JMP     CM1
CM2     CLE     E       reg is used to indicate if DELETe is used
        LDB     INPS2           Load first address for the SBT command
CM3     JSB     AIN             Input 1 ascii char into the A reg
        CPA     CONTU
        JMP     CUX
        CPA     CONTC
        JMP     CCX
        OTB     01B
        CPA     DELET           Is it a DELETe?
        JMP     RUBT            Yes , go to RUBT
        SEZ,RSS         If E is 1 , type a '\' and clear E
        JMP     CM5
        JSB     BSLSH
CM5     JSB     AOUT            Output the A reg
        CPA     CRT             Is it a <CR>
        JMP     CM4             Yes , end of inputing into the input buffer
        CPA     ALT             Similar to above
        JMP     COMIN,I
        CPA     CONTI
        JMP     COMIN,I  Ascii is inputed without a CR
        SBT                     No , store A according to B
        CPB     INPF2           Is the input buffer full ?
        RSS                     Yes , stop inputing
        JMP     CM3             No , return to start of inputing sequence
CM4     JSB     LFEED
        JMP     COMIN,I
CUX     LDA     UP6
        JSB     AOUT
        LDA     UU
        JSB     AOUT
        JSB     CRLF
        JMP     CM0
CCX     LDA     UP6
        JSB     AOUT
        LDA     CC
        JSB     AOUT
        JSB     CRLF
        JMP     OPS
CONTC   OCT     3
CC      ASC     1,C
CONTU   OCT     25
CONTI   OCT     11
ALT     OCT     175
UU      ASC     1,U
UP6     ASC     1,^
RUBT    SEZ             If E = 1 , jump to RUBT1
        JMP     RUBT1
        CCE                     Set E to 1 , start of a deletion sequence
        JSB     BSLSH           Output a '\'
RUBT1   CPB     INPS2           This prevents mem addressing at less than INP2
        JMP     CM3
        ADB     M1              Decrement the memory address register (E remains set)
        LBT                     Load A reg according to B
        ADB     M1              Decrement the mem add since LBT incremented it
        OTB     01B
        JSB     AOUT            Output A
        JMP     CM3             Return for next char input
*  This routine clears most regs
CLEAR   JSB     INITL           Reset various counters and registers
        LDX     B1L             Load length of array
        LDA     B1S             Load start add
        JSB     CARAY           Clear it
        LDX     S1L
        LDA     S1S
        JSB     CARAY
        LDX     Z1L
        LDA     Z1S
        JSB     CARAY
        LDA     NB
        LDB     00              Put the length of the complex arrays in X & B
        LDA     DCRA1
        JSB     CARAY
        LDX     01
        LDA     DCRA2
        JSB     CARAY
        LDX     01
        LDA     DCRA3
        JSB     CARAY
        JSB     CLEAN
        OTA     01B
        JMP     OPS
CARAY   NOP             Array clearer
        STA     PTCRY           Load pointer reg
CRY1    STA     PTCRY,I  Store a 0
        ISZ     PTCRY           Increment the pointer
        DSX                     Finished ?
        JMP     CRY1            No , continue
        JMP     CARAY,I  Yes , return
PTCRY   BSS     1
        JMP     CLEAN,I
GET2    NOP             This subroutine loads A with 2 8bit words according to B
        ALF                     Move A left 8 places
        STA     AGET2           Store A
        LBT                     Load the next 8bit word
        IOR     AGET2           Combine both 8bit words
        JMP     GET2,I
AGET2   BSS     1
INITL   NOP             This subroutine determines 8bit addresses from 16bit address
        LDX     CD8             This is the number of constants that have to be doubled
        LDB     INITA
INIT1   LDA     1,I     Load the 16bit address
        INB                     Increment the Pointer
        ELA                     Get the 8bit address
        STA     1,I     Store it
        INB                     Increment the pointer
        JMP     INIT1
*** Extra constants are computed here
        JSB     VOUTZ           Set output TX V = 0
        JSB     CLEAN
        JMP     INITL,I
VOUTZ   NOP             This routine sets Vout = 0
        LDA     CD128
        IOR     BIT15
        JSB     OUT10
        AND     BITS8
        JSB     OUT10
        JMP     VOUTZ,I
* This table consists of 16bit addresses
* followed by the location for the 8bit address
INPF    DEF     INP+49
INPF2   BSS     1
INPS2   BSS     1
Z1S     DEF     Z1
Z1S2    BSS     1
Z1L     DEC     256             %%LENGTH%%  16bit words
Z1L2    BSS     1
S1S     DEF     S1
S1S2    BSS     1
B1S     DEF     B1
B1S2    BSS     1
B1L     DEC     256             %%LENGTH%%  16bit words
B1L2    BSS     1
S1L     DEC     256             %%LENGTH%%  16bit words
S1L2    BSS     1
ASCT    NOP             This subroutine outputs ascii buffers
        ELB                     Convert to an 8bit add
ASCT1   LBT             Load an 8bit character
        CPA     EOT
        JMP     ASCT,I
        JSB     AOUT            Type it
        JMP     ASCT1           Continue to loop until EOT is encountered
EOT     OCT     4       End of tx character
TYX     NOP     TY              command interpretation section
TYX0    LBT             Load an 8bit word
        CPA     SPACE           Is it a SPACE ?
        JMP     TYX1            Yes , go to TYX1 and get buffer name
        JMP     TYX0            No , keep looking
TYX1    JSB     GET2            Get the next 2 ascii characters
        CPA     ASCB1           Does the name equal 'B1'
        JMP     B1TYP           Yes , output it
        CPA     ASCS1           Is the name 'S1'
        JMP     S1TYP           Yes , output it
        CPA     ASCZ1           Is the name 'Z1'
        JMP     Z1TYP
*** Entry point for other buffer io tests
        JSB     NAMER           No , output an error message
        JMP     OPS             Return for the next command string
Z1TYP   LDB     Z1S2
        LDA     Z1L2
        JMP     TY1             Go and type it
S1TYP   LDB     S1S2
        LDA     S1L2
        JMP     TY1
B1TYP   LDB     B1S2            Load the start add
        LDA     B1L2            Load the buffer length
TY1     CMA,INA         Set up an up counter
        STA     TYPU
        LDA     CD60            Reset the TTY width control reg
        STA     PAPW
        JSB     PAPWS
TY2     LBT             Load an 8bit word
        JSB     INT8            Output the 8bit number
        ISZ     TYPU            Finished ?
        JMP     TY2             No , continue
        JMP     OPS             Yes , return for the next command string
ASCZ1   ASC     1,Z1
ASCB1   ASC     1,B1
ASCS1   ASC     1,S1
TYPU    BSS     1       Up counetr
PUX     NOP     PU              command interpretation section
        LBT                     Load an 8bit word
        CPA     SPACE           Is it a 'SPACE'
        JMP     PUX1            Yes , go to PUX1 and get buffer name
        JMP     PUX             Keep searching
PUX1    JSB     GET2            Get the next 2 ascii characters
        CPA     ASCB1           Is the name 'B1'
        JMP     B1PUN           Yes , punch it
        CPA     ASCS1           Is the name 'S1'
        JMP     S1PUN           Yes , output it
        CPA     ASCZ1           Is the name 'Z1'
        JMP     Z1PUN           Go and punch it
*** Entry point for other buffer name tests
        JSB     NAMER           Output an error message
        JMP     OPS
Z1PUN   LDB     Z1S2
        LDA     Z1L2
        JMP     PUX3
S1PUN   LDB     S1S2            Load the 8bit start add
        LDA     S1L2            Load the 8bit length
        JMP     PUX3
B1PUN   LDB     B1S2            Load the 8bit start add
        LDA     B1L2            Load the 8bit length
        JMP     OPS
PUNCH   NOP             File punched in IMAGE
        STA     TYPU
        JSB     HEDER           Punch a tape header
        LDA     PSTRT
        JSB     APUN            Punch start character
PUN2    LBT             Load an 8bit number
        JSB     APUN            Punch A
        IOR     1
        OTA     01B             Display flashes data punched out and the add
        ISZ     TYPU            Finished ?
        JMP     PUN2            No , continue punching
        JSB     ENDER           Punch end of file
        OTA     01B
        JMP     PUNCH,I
PFIN    BSS     1
PSTRT   OCT     125             Punch start character
*++ JSB CTTY  Put the port in a Write mode (not used with REMEX)++
        OTA     13B             Punch it  ++13++
        STC     13B,C  ++13++
        SFS     13B             ++13++
        JMP     *-1
        JMP     APUN,I
HEDER   NOP             Punch a header on ptp
        STX     XHEDR
        STA     AHEDR
        LDY     CD4
HED0    LDX     CD10
        OTA     01B
        JSB     PNSOM
        LDX     CD10
        OTA     01B
        JSB     PNSOM
        JMP     HED0
        LDX     CD32
        OTA     01B
        JSB     PNSOM
        LDA     AHEDR
        LDX     XHEDR
        JMP     HEDER,I
AHEDR   BSS     1
XHEDR   BSS     1
        LDX     CD20
        JSB     PNSOM
        LDA     PTEND
        LDX     CD5
        JSB     PNSOM
        LDX     CD60            Now push the PT out
        JSB     PNSOM
        LDA     BELL
        JSB     AOUT
        OTA     01B
        JMP     ENDER,I
PTEND   OCT     232
PNSOM   NOP             (assumes X = num of its , punches A )
        JMP     PNSO1
        JMP     PNSOM,I
REX     NOP     RE              command interpretation section
        LBT                     Load an 8bit word
        CPA     SPACE           is it a space ?
        JMP     REX1            Yes , go to REX1 and get buffer add
        JMP     REX             Keep searching
REX1    JSB     GET2            Get the next 2 ascii characters
        CPA     ASCB1           Is the name 'B1' ?
        JMP     B1RED           Yes , go and read it
        CPA     ASCS1           Is the name 'S1' ?
        JMP     S1RED           Yes , go and read it
        CPA     ASCZ1           Is the name 'Z1'
        JMP     Z1RED           Go and read it
*** Entry point for other buffer io tests
        JSB     NAMER           Output an error message
        JMP     OPS
Z1RED   LDB     Z1L
        LDA     Z1L2
        STA     INPTL
        JMP     REX2
S1RED   LDA     S1L
        ELA                     Reset S1L2 to the maximum value
        STA     S1L2            Reset to actual value if data read in (later)
        STA     INPTL           Store the buffer size (mem over write check)
        INB                     Determine start add of ASCII number
        JSB     ASCBN
        CPA     CD0
        LDA     INPTL           Number = 0 ; Read whole buffer
        STA     TOTIN           Store number of reads (TOTIN # 0)
        LDB     S1S             Get S1's add
        JMP     REX2
B1RED   LDB     B1S             Get B1's add
        LDA     B1L2
        STA     INPTL           Store the buffer size (mem over write check)
        ELB                     Convert a 16bit add to an 8bit add
        STA     NS1             Clear Numbers Read counter
        JSB     PTRGO           Go to start of data ,ignore 1st number
        ISZ     INPTL           Increment to the SBT fin add
REX4    LDA     TOTIN           Have all numbers been read in ?
        ADA     NS1
        CPA     CD0
        JMP     REX12           Yes , reading is finished
        JSB     APTIN           Read in the next number
        SBT                     Store it
        LDA     NS1
        OTA     01B             Display counts data read in
        CPA     INPTL           Is the buffer full ?
        JMP     REX16           Yes , go an, go and type error message
        STA     NS1             No , increment NR counter
        JMP     REX4
REX16   LDB     RM16S
        JSB     ASCT            'Buffer limit reached , values read in : '
        JMP     REX20
REX12   LDB     RM12S
        JSB     ASCT            'Read successful , values read in :  '
REX20   LDA     NS1
        STA     S1L2            Store the actual number of values read in
        JSB     INT16           Output the number of data values read in
        JSB     CRLF
        JMP     OPS
RM12S   DEF     RM16+1
RM16S   DEF     RM16
NS1     BSS     1       Number of values READ into S1
INPTL   BSS     1       The max allowable to be read in
TOTIN   BSS     1       The number of reads desired
*++ LDA TMIN  Put the port in a read mode (not used for REMEX)++
*++ OTA 12B
        STC     14B,C  ++14++
        SFS     14B             ++14++
        JMP     *-1
        LIA     14B             Load in a number  ++14++
        JMP     APTIN,I
PT1     JSB     APTIN           non0=TX start (PUNCHED TAPE/IMAGE)
        CPA     CD0                     (WRITTEN FORTRAN MODE='IMAGE')
        JMP     PT1
        JMP     PTRGO,I  The first non0 number is ignored
OUT10   NOP             Output routine for port 10
        OTA     10B
        STC     10B,C
        JMP     OUT10,I
IN10    NOP             Input routine for port10
        STC     10B,C
        SFS     10B
        JMP     *-1
        LIA     10B
        JMP     IN10,I
NAMER   NOP             This subroutine outputs an error
        LDB     R1TS            message for unrecognised buffer names
        JSB     ASCT            Output the error message
        JSB     CRLF
        JMP     NAMER,I
AIN     NOP             This subroutine inputs 1 ascii character
        LDA     TMIN
        OTA     12B             Put the port in a read mode
        STC     12B,C
        SFS     12B
        JMP     *-1
        LIA     12B             Load in an ascii character
        AND     BITS7           Keep 1 ascii character only (Right justified)
        ISZ     WIDTH           Increment the width counter
        JMP     AIN,I
        JSB     CRLF
        JMP     AIN,I
TMIN    OCT     140000
AOUT    NOP             Output subroutine for 1 character
        JSB     CTTY            Set tty to tty mode
        AND     BITS7
        JSB     ATYPE           Output it
        ISZ     WIDTH
        JMP     AOUT,I  Width limit not reached yet , return
        JSB     CRLF            Width limit reached , CRLF
        JMP     AOUT,I  Return
CTTY    NOP             This subroutine puts the port in write mode
        STA     ACTTY           Store A
        LDA     TMOUT           Load control word out
        OTA     12B             Output it
        LDA     ACTTY           Restore A
        JMP     CTTY,I  Return
ACTTY   BSS     1
TMOUT   OCT     120000
        OTA     12B
        STC     12B,C
        SFS     12B
        JMP     *-1
        JMP     ATYPE,I
CRLF    NOP             This subroutine outputs a <CR> and a <LF>
        STA     ACRLF           Store A
        JSB     CTTY
        LDA     CRT             Load a <CR> and output it
        JSB     ATYPE
        LDA     LF              Load a <LF> and output it
        JSB     ATYPE
        JSB     PAPWS           Reset the TTY paper width up counter
        LDA     ACRLF           Restore A
        JMP     CRLF,I
ACRLF   BSS     1
LF      OCT     12
LFEED   NOP             This subroutine outputs a <LF>
        STA     ACRLF
        LDA     LFEED           Load the return add
        STA     CRLF            Store the return add
        JMP     CRLF1           Enter the sub above
BSLSH   NOP             This subroutine outputs a '\'
        STA     ABSLH
        LDA     BSSH
        JSB     AOUT
        LDA     ABSLH
        JMP     BSLSH,I
ABSLH   BSS     1
BSSH    ASC     1,\
* Ascii number in base TEN to binary
* number conversion routine (integers only)
ASCBN   NOP             No counter limit is made on the number of ascii
        CLA                     characters per number . >5 will cause overflow .
        STA     AACB1           Clear AACB1
ASBN1   LBT             Load an ascii character
        CPA     SPACE           Finished ?
        JMP     ASBN2           Yes , go to finish of subroutine
        ADA     M60             no , subtract the offset to give a binary number
        STA     AACB2           Start multiplication process
        LDA     AACB1
        STB     BACB1
        MPY     CD10            Multiply by DEC 10
        ADA     AACB2
        STA     AACB1
        LDB     BACB1
        JMP     ASBN1           Go and get next ascii character
ASBN2   LDA     AACB1           Recall number
        JMP     ASCBN,I
BACB1   BSS     1
AACB1   BSS     1
AACB2   BSS     1
*** 8bit integer type routine (num = A reg)
        DST     ABINT
        JSB     BAI             Turn A reg into ASCII
        LDB     CD3             Type the 4 RHJ chars
        JSB     IOEXT
        JMP     INT8,I
*** 16bit integer type routine (num = A reg)
        DST     ABINT
        JSB     BAI             Turn A reg into ASCII
        CLB,INB         Type the 8 RHJ chars
        JSB     IOEXT
        JMP     INT16,I
*** Subroutine useful for INT8 and INT16
        ADB     PNTR            Set up the ASCT start address
        JSB     ASCT            Output the ASCII
        DLD     ABINT
        JMP     IOEXT,I
ABINT   BSS     2
*** Integer binary (A) to ASCII routine
BAI     NOP             Assumes the sign bit is bit15
        STY     YBAI            Store Y,B
        STB     BBAI
        LDB     PNTR
        ADB     CD5             Check symbol [0]a
        INB                     Determine the end add (RHJ) for the ASCII buffer
        STA     ABAI            Store the number
        LDA     EOT
        SBT                     Store an EOT for subroutine ASCT
        ADB     M2              Decrement B by 1 (overall)
        LDA     ABAI            Restore the number in A
        STB     PNTR2
        ELA     E       = 1 if A < 0
        RAR                     Return A to a + number
        CBS     CD1             TESTB  Clear bit0 of TESTB
        JMP     BAI0            A > 0 therefore go to BAI0
        CLE                     Restore E
        IOR     BIT15           Restore bit15 of A
        CMA,INA         Make A +ve
        SBS     CD1             TESTB  Set bit 0 of TESTB if A < 0
BAI0    LDY     CD10
BAI1    CLB             Number is only in the B reg
        DIV     CD10            Start the DIV by DEC 10 process
        ADB     EXT             Convert B into ASCII
        STA     ABAI            Store A
        LDA     1       Copy B into A
        LDB     PNTR2           Load the add for SBT
        LDA     ABAI            Restore A
        ADB     M2              Decrement PNTR2 by 2
        STB     PNTR2           Store next ASCII add
        SZA,RSS         If A = 0 , go to BAI2
        JMP     BAI2            Fill up the rest of the ASCII buffer
        DSY                     Finished ?
        JMP     BAI1            No , continue
        JMP     BAI4            Yes , go to end
        TBS     CD1             TESTB
        LDA     MINUS           Load a '-' if original A < 0
        CBS     CD1             TESTB  Clear the -ve sign bit
        ADB     M2              Decrement the ASCII buffer pointer by 2
        DSY                     Finished ?
        JMP     BAI2
BAI4    LDY     YBAI            Restore Y,B
        LDB     BBAI
        JMP     BAI,I
PNTR2   BSS     1
YBAI    BSS     1
ABAI    BSS     1
BBAI    BSS     1
SPX     NOP             Signal processing section
        LDB     S1S             [B1] = FFT( [S1] ) or [B1] = INFFT( FFT( [S1] ) )
        STB     C1              C1 points to buffer S1  (8 bit wide buffer)
        LDA     DCRA1
        STA     C2              C2 points to buffer CARA1  (4 * 16 bits / number)
        LDX     NB              Load the number of pointers in the FFT
SPX1    LBT             Load S1 byte and increment pointer [B]
        STB     C1              Store pointer
        DST     C2,I  Store FLOAT(S1) for the real component
        ISZ     C2
        ISZ     C2
        CLA                     Store a 0.0 for the imaginary component
        DST     C2,I
        ISZ     C2
        ISZ     C2
        LDB     C1              Load S1 pointer
        JMP     SPX1
        LDA     DCRA1           Set up the FFT input parameters
        LDB     NB
        JSB     FFTI,I  Calculate the Fourier Transform
        LDA     DCRA1           Set up input data for optional      ++
        LDB     NB              inverse FFT processing                 ++
SPXX    NOP             Position for the JSB INFFT statement  ++
*[1] LDA DCRA1  Let Imag(CARA1) = ABS( [CARA1] )
*[1] STA C2
*[1] LDX NB
*[1]SPX2 DLD C2,I
*[1] FMP 0
*[1] ISZ C2
*[1] ISZ C2
*[1] DLD C2,I
*[1] FMP 0
*[1] DST C2,I  Store the magnitude in the Imaginary location
*[1] ISZ C2
*[1] ISZ C2
*[1] DSX
*[1] JMP SPX2
*[1] LDA DCRA1  Find the maximum of CARA1@C2,I and store C2 in C1
*[1] ADA CD2  The magnitude is stored in the imaginary locations
*[1] STA C2  C2 points to the array
*[1] STA C1  C1 points to the maximum
*[1] LDX NB
*[1]SPX3 DLD C2,I  [AB]=number
*[1] FSB C1,I  [AB]=number-big
*[1] SSA
*[1] JMP SPX4  Answer is > 0 ; do not update maximum pointer
*[1] LDA C2
*[1] STA C1  Update pointer(max)
*[1]SPX4 LDA C2
*[1] ADA CD4
*[1] STA C2  Increment C2 pointer by 4
*[1] DSX
*[1] JMP SPX3  Continue looping
*[1] LDA CD250  Prepare multiplication scaling facter
*[1] CLB
*[1] FLT
*[1] FDV C1,I
*[1] DST SPXA  Store the scaling facter
*[1] LDA B1S  Store the FFT (Magnitude) in buffer B1
*[1] CLE
*[1] ELA
*[1] STA C1  C1 now points to the 8bit B1 array
*[1] LDA DCRA1
*[1] ADA CD2
*[1] STA C2  C2 points to Imag(CARA1)  [in fact , Mag(CARA1)]
*[1] LDX NB
*[1]SPX5 DLD C2,I
*[1] FIX
*[1] LDB C1
*[1] SBT  Store it
*[1] STB C1  Store the auto-incremented pointer
*[1] LDB C2  Increment the CARA1 pointer by 4
*[1] ADB CD4
*[1] STB C2
*[1] DSX
*[1] JMP SPX5
* Shortened code
        LDA     DCRA1
        LDB     DCRA1
        LDX     NB
        JSB     PWRI,I  [CARA1] = ABS( [CARA1] )
        LDA     DCRA1
        LDX     NB
        JSB     SORTI,I  Obtain the maximum value
        LDA     DCRA1
        LDB     B1S
        LDX     NB
        LDY     CD250
        JSB     RIFIX           Scale it and IFIX it
* End of S C
        JMP     SPX,I  Return
*[1]SPXA BSS 2
* This routine IFIXs a real array into an 8bit scaled array
* A = Floating point array address
* B = 8bit array's 16bit address
* X = number of samples
* Y = maximum 8bit value
* (Assumes that the floating point max is SMAX)
        STA     P1
        STB     P2
        FDV     SMAX
        DST     P3              Store the scaling factor for typing
RFX1    DLD     P1,I  Load a real value
        ISZ     P1              Increment the pointer
        ISZ     P1
        FMP     P3              Scale it
        LDB     P2
        SBT                     Store the 8bit scaled value and increment the pointer
        STB     P2
        JMP     RFX1
        JMP     RIFIX,I
P1      BSS     1       Pointer
P2      BSS     1       Pointer
P3      BSS     2       Temporary floating number storage
* This routine floats an 8bit integer array
*into a complex floating point array.
* B = address of the 8bit array
* A = address of the complex array
* X = the number of values
        STA     CFT1
        ELB                     Get the 8bit address
        STB     CFT2            Store the 8bit address
        DST     CFT1,I  Store the real part
        ISZ     CFT1
        ISZ     CFT1
        DST     CFT1,I  Store the zero imaginary part
        ISZ     CFT1
        ISZ     CFT1
        LDB     CFT2            Restore the 8bit address in B
        JMP     CFLT1
        JMP     ICFLT,I
CFT1    BSS     1
CFT2    BSS     1
TXX     LDX     CD4             D/A TX test routine
TXX0    LDB     S1S
        LDY     CD512
        IOR     BIT15
        JSB     OUT10
        JMP     TXX1
        JMP     TXX0
        JSB     VOUTZ           Reset Vout = 0
        JMP     OPS             Return to the op sys
RPX     LDX     CD512           A/D read test routine
        LDB     Z1S
RPX1    JSB     IN10
        OTA     01B
        JMP     RPX1
        JMP     OPS
        ORG     2000B
TMX     NOP             This routine accesses the MC6840 PTM registers
TMX1    LBT     B       points to an ascii command array
        CPA     SASCI           A='S' ?
        JMP     TMX15           Go and read the status register
        CPA     HASCI           A='H' ?
        JMP     TMX62           Put into preset/hold mode
        CPA     GASCI           A='G' ?
        JMP     TMX64           Put into operate mode
        CPA     CASCI           A='C' ?
        JMP     TMX18           Command format OK
        CPA     LASCI           A='L' ?
        RSS                     Command format OK
        JMP     TMX9            No recognisable command present
TMX18   STA     TMCL            Store C or L
        LBT                     Load registor ID
        AND     CD3
        CPA     CD0
        LDA     CD2             If ID=0 , set it = 2
        STA     TMRID           Store the register ID number 1,2,or 3
        CPA     ASCDD           A proper command contains a ':' here
        JMP     TMX3            Read and output the specified register
        CPA     SPACE
        JMP     TMX3            Read and output the specified register
        CPA     UP6
        JMP     TMX3            Read and output the specified register
        JSB     ASCHX           Convert ascii 8bits number to 4bit binary
        STA     TMXM8           Store the MS4bits temporarily
        JSB     ASCHX
        IOR     TMXM8
        STA     TMXM8           Store the MS8bits
        LDA     TMCL
        CPA     CASCI
        JMP     TMX5            2*4bits required for a control register
        LBT                     Now get the next 2*4bits
        JSB     ASCHX
        STA     TMXL8           Temporarily store the next MS4bits
        JSB     ASCHX
        IOR     TMXL8
        STA     TMXL8           Store the LS8bits
        LDA     TMXM8
        IOR     RS1             Set the MSB address lines
        IOR     TMWR            Set the write enable line
        JSB     OUT11           Output it
        LDA     TMRID
        RAL,RAL         Obtain RS2 and RS1
        IOR     RS0             Set the RS0 line
        IOR     TMWR
        IOR     TMXL8           Set the data lines
        JSB     OUT11
        JSB     SLASH
        JSB     OUT11
        JSB     IN11            Input the MSB of the specified register
        STA     TMXM8
        LDA     RS2             Load the LSB read address lines
        JSB     OUT11
        JSB     IN11            Input the LSB of the specified register
        STA     TMXL8
TMX7    LDA     TMXM8           Type out 4*4bit numbers
        JSB     RAR4
        JSB     HXASC
        JSB     AOUT
        LDA     TMXM8
        JSB     HXASC
        JSB     AOUT
        LDA     TMXL8
TMX75   JSB     RAR4
        JSB     HXASC
        JSB     AOUT
        LDA     TMXL8
        JSB     HXASC
        JSB     AOUT
        JSB     OUT11           Put the MC6840 control lines low
        LDA     SHARP
        JSB     AOUT
        JSB     COMIN           Enter new command string
        LDB     INPS2
        JMP     TMX1            Return to top of routine
SHARP   ASC     1,#
TMX5    LDA     TMRID           Load CR pointer (1-3)
        CPA     CD2
        JMP     TMX55           Shall only write CR2
        RAR                     We now have CR2b0
        JSB     C1OR3
        ADA     M1
        LDA     TMXM8           Get the new data bits
        SAX     CR1             Store them
        LDB     TMRID
        CPB     CD2
        IOR     RS0             Set RS0 if accessing CR2
        IOR     TMWR
        JSB     OUT11
        JSB     SLASH
        JMP     TMX35           Go and type out CR?
C1OR3   NOP             This subroutine sets CR20=bit0 of A
        AND     CD1             A0=1;access CR3
        CPA     CD1             A0=0,access CR1
        JMP     C1R31           Clear the 0-bit in CR2
        SBS     CD1             CR2  Set the 0-bit in CR2
C1R32   LDA     CR2             Output the modified CR2
        IOR     TMWR
        IOR     RS0
        JSB     OUT11           Set CR2 so that either CR1 or CR3 is accessed
        JMP     C1OR3,I
C1R31   CBS     CD1             CR2  Clear CR20 to access CR3
        JMP     C1R32
TMX3    LDA     TMCL
        CPA     LASCI
        JMP     TMX6            Go and output an L register
TMX35   LDA     TMRID           Load relative+1 address
        ADA     M1
        LAX     CR1
        AND     BITS8
        STA     TMXL8
        JMP     TMX75
TMX15   LDA     RS0             This routine updates TSTAT and types it
        JSB     OUT11
        JSB     IN11
        STA     TSTAT
        STA     TMXL8
        JMP     TMX75
        JSB     C1OR3           Access CR1
        SBS     CD1             CR1  Preset MC6840 and hold
TMX63   LDA     CR1
        IOR     TMWR
        JSB     OUT11
        JMP     TMX9
        JSB     C1OR3           Access CR1
        CBS     CD1             CR1  Operate MC6840
        JMP     TMX63
        STA     ASLAS
        LDA     SLSH
        JSB     AOUT
        LDA     ASLAS
        JMP     SLASH,I
ASLAS   BSS     1
SLSH    ASC     1,/
RAR4    NOP             This routine is the opposite of ALF
        JMP     RAR4,I
ASCHX   NOP             This routine converts ASCII 0-F into 4bit binary
        AND     BITS7           Obtain ascii only
        TBS     LWASC           00
        ADA     NO7             Subtract 7 since number > 9
        ADA     MO60
        AND     BITS4           Ensure 4bits only
        JMP     ASCHX,I
HXASC   NOP             This routine converts 4bit binary into ASCII 0-F
        AND     BITS4           Obtain the 4 binary bits
        CPA     CD9
        JMP     HXAS1
        CPA     CD8
        JMP     HXAS1
        TBS     CD8             00
        ADA     PO7             Add 7 since number > 9
HXAS1   ADA     PO60
        JMP     HXASC,I
OUT11   NOP             Output routine for port 11
        OTA     11B
        STC     11B,C
        JMP     OUT11,I
IN11    NOP             This routine reads port 11B
        STC     11B,C
        JMP     *+1,I
        DEF     PAUSE
        LIA     11B             Load in 8bits of data
        JMP     IN11,I
TMRID   OCT     2       Register 1,2,or 3
ASCDD   OCT     72              ':'
LWASC   OCT     100             ASCII indicator bit
PO60    OCT     60
MO60    OCT     -60
PO7     OCT     7
NO7     OCT     -7
TMXM8   BSS     1       Stores the most significant 8 bits
TMXL8   BSS     1       Stores the least significant 8 bits
TMCL    BSS     1
RS0     OCT     1000            RS0,also READ STATUS reg control word
RS1     OCT     2000            Write MSB control word
RS2     OCT     3000            Read LSB control word
TMWR    OCT     400             Write enable control word
TSTAT   BSS     1       Stores the STATUS registor (8bits)
SASCI   OCT     123             'S'
CASCI   OCT     103             'C'
LASCI   OCT     114             'L'
HASCI   OCT     110             'H'
GASCI   OCT     107             'G'
CR1     BSS     1       (CR1+0)
CR2     BSS     1       (CR1+1)
CR3     BSS     1       (CR1+2)
BITS4   OCT     17              A 4bit mask
***  SQRT subroutine
        DST     DST1            Store the number
        DLD     FD1
        DST     DST3            Set initial guess to 1.0
        LDA     M12             Do 12 iterations ( more or less arbitrary )
        STA     CSQRT
SQRT1   DLD     DST1
        FDV     DST3
        FAD     DST3
        FDV     FD2
        DST     DST3            Store new guess = (num/old guess + new guess)/2
        ISZ     CSQRT
        JMP     SQRT1
        JMP     SQRT,I
CSQRT   BSS     1
DST1    BSS     2
DST2    BSS     2
DST3    BSS     2
FD1     DEC     1.0
FD2     DEC     2.0
* Subroutine to calculate the FFT of an array
*with A = start address of complex array & B = number of samples
* The FFT is calculated INPLACE
FNB     BSS     2       Store Float(NB) here
U       BSS     4
T       BSS     4
DT      DEF     T
DU      DEF     U
DUP2    DEF     U+2
ND2     BSS     1
TWO     DEC     2
NM1     BSS     1
J       BSS     1
L       BSS     1
K       BSS     1
M       BSS     1
FFTK1   BSS     1       Store the transform direction constant here
FONE    DEC     1.0
FTWO    DEC     2.0
ME      BSS     1
LPK     BSS     1
* Complex Arithmetic Routines
CPTR1   BSS     1
CPTR2   BSS     1
CPTR3   BSS     1
CAD     NOP             Complex add routine [CPTR3,I]=[CPTR1,I]+[CPTR2,I]
        DLD     CPTR1,I  Add real parts
        FAD     CPTR2,I
        DST     CPTR3,I
        ISZ     CPTR1           Increment 3 pointers
        ISZ     CPTR1
        ISZ     CPTR2
        ISZ     CPTR2
        ISZ     CPTR3
        ISZ     CPTR3
        DLD     CPTR1,I  Add imaginary parts
        FAD     CPTR2,I
        DST     CPTR3,I
        JMP     CAD,I
CSB     NOP             Complex subtract routine [CPTR3,I]=[CPTR1,I]-[CPTR2,I]
        DLD     CPTR1,I  Subtract real parts
        FSB     CPTR2,I
        DST     CPTR3,I
        ISZ     CPTR1           Increment 3 pointers
        ISZ     CPTR1
        ISZ     CPTR2
        ISZ     CPTR2
        ISZ     CPTR3
        ISZ     CPTR3
        DLD     CPTR1,I  Subtract imaginary parts
        FSB     CPTR2,I
        DST     CPTR3,I
        JMP     CSB,I
CMP     NOP             Complex multiply routine [CPTR3,I]=[CPTR1,I]*[CPTR2,I]
        DLD     CPTR1,I  Multiply real parts
        FMP     CPTR2,I
        DST     TEMP1
        ISZ     CPTR1
        ISZ     CPTR1
        ISZ     CPTR2
        ISZ     CPTR2
        CLB                     Load 0.0
        FSB     CPTR1,I
        FMP     CPTR2,I  Multiply the imaginary parts and negate
        FAD     TEMP1
        DST     TEMP2           Form the final real part of the product
        LDA     CPTR2
        ADA     M2
        STA     CPTR2
        DLD     CPTR1,I
        FMP     CPTR2,I
        DST     TEMP1           Store Imag(1)*Real(2)
        LDA     CPTR1
        ADA     M2
        STA     CPTR1
        ISZ     CPTR2
        ISZ     CPTR2
        DLD     CPTR1,I
        FMP     CPTR2,I  Form Imag(2)*Real(1)
        FAD     TEMP1
        DST     TEMP1           Temporarily store the imaginary product
        DLD     TEMP2           Recall the Real product
        DST     CPTR3,I  Store it
        ISZ     CPTR3
        ISZ     CPTR3
        DLD     TEMP1
        DST     CPTR3,I  Store the final imaginary product
        JMP     CMP,I
TEMP1   BSS     2
TEMP2   BSS     2
GETW    NOP             Calculates W=CMPLX(COS(PI/K),-SIN(PI/K))
        LDA     M       using tables of COS() and -SIN()
        ADA     DCOST
        STA     C1
        DLD     C1,I  Load COS(PI/K)
        DST     DW,I  Store in the real part of W
        LDA     M       (Use M , not K as in the FORTRAN Program. Check the COS and SIN tables.)
        ELA                     ( 2**M=K )
        ADA     DSINT
        STA     C1
        LDA     FFTK1           [A] = FFT direction value
        CPA     M1
        JMP     GETW1           Transform is the inverse
        DLD     C1,I
GETW2   DST     DWP2,I  Store in the imaginary part of W
        JMP     GETW,I
        FSB     C1,I
        JMP     GETW2
DSINT   DEF     SINT-2  This value is used when accessing SIN values
SINT    DEC     0.0  -Sin(PI/1)
        DEC     -1.0  -Sin(PI/2)
        DEC     -0.707107  -Sin(PI/4)    
        DEC     -0.382683  -Sin(PI/8)    
        DEC     -0.195090  -Sin(PI/16)    
        DEC     -0.980171E-01  -Sin(PI/32)
        DEC     -0.490677E-01  -Sin(PI/64)
        DEC     -0.245412E-01  -Sin(PI/128)
        DEC     -0.122715E-01  -Sin(PI/256)
        DEC     -0.613588E-02  -Sin(PI/512)
DCOST   DEF     COST-2  COS tables access pointer
COST    DEC     -1.0  Cos(PI/1)
        DEC     0.0  Cos(PI/2)
        DEC     0.707107  Cos(PI/4)    
        DEC     0.923880  Cos(PI/8)
        DEC     0.980785  Cos(PI/16)
        DEC     0.995185  Cos(PI/32)
        DEC     0.998795  Cos(PI/64)
        DEC     0.999699  Cos(PI/128)
        DEC     0.999925  Cos(PI/256)
        DEC     0.999981  Cos(PI/512)
W       BSS     4
DW      DEF     W
DWP2    DEF     W+2
STRAN   NOP             Service routine for FFT & INFFT
        STA     ASTRT           Store the complex array start address
        STB     NFFT            Store the number of samples
        ADA     M4
        STA     ASTM4           Store a useful addressing constant
        JMP     STRAN,I
ASTRT   BSS     1
ASTM4   BSS     1
NFFT    BSS     1
INFFT   NOP             Inverse FFT
        JSB     STRAN           Set up a few constants
        LDA     M1
        STA     FFTK1           Set up the -1 <- transform constant
        LDA     INFFT
        STA     FFT             Set up the subroutine return address
        JMP     FFT0            Enter the FFT subroutine
FFT     NOP             Subroutine FFT
        JSB     STRAN           Set up a few constants
        LDA     CD1
        STA     FFTK1           Set up the +1 -> transform constant
        TBS     BIT3            TESTB  If the speed-up bit is set,
        JMP     FFT0            Do not divide samples by NB.
        CLB                     Divide all the input values by the number of samples
        LDA     NFFT
        DST     FNB             Set up FNB
        LDA     NFFT            (DO LOOP 1)  Divide all elements by number of samples
        ELA                     There are 2*NFFT double word elements in a complex array
        STA     C2              Set up the UP counter to 0 for the LOOP
        LDA     ASTRT
        STA     C1
L1S     DLD     C1,I  A(J)=A(J)/FNB  LOOP 1 start
        FDV     FNB
        DST     C1,I
        ISZ     C1
        ISZ     C1
L1F     ISZ     C2              LOOP 1 finish
        JMP     L1S
*  Entry point for routine INFFT
FFT0    LDA     NFFT            ND2=NFFT/2
        STA     ND2
        LDA     NFFT            NM1=NFFT-1
        ADA     M1
        STA     NM1
        CLA                     J=1
        STA     J
        STA     L
L4S     ISZ     L       Loop 4 start  L=1,NM1  (Loop 4 tests at the end)
        LDA     J       If(L.GE.J) Goto2
        ADA     L       [A]=L-J
        JMP     LABL2           Jump if L>=J
        LDA     J       Note:2 memory locations/floating number
        ELA                             use 2*J,2*L
        ADA     ASTM4
        STA     C1              C1 points to A(J)
        LDA     L
        ADA     ASTM4
        STA     C2              C2 points to A(L)
        DLD     C1,I  Swap real parts of A(J) and A(L) using T
        DST     T
        DLD     C2,I
        DST     C1,I
        DLD     T
        DST     C2,I
        ISZ     C1              Increment the pointers to the imaginary parts
        ISZ     C1
        ISZ     C2
        ISZ     C2
        DLD     C1,I  Swap imaginary parts of A(J) and A(L) using T
        DST     T
        DLD     C2,I
        DST     C1,I
        DLD     T
        DST     C2,I
LABL2   LDA     ND2             K=ND2
        STA     K
LABL3   LDA     J       If(K.GE.J) Goto4
        ADA     K       [A]=K-J
        SSA,RSS         Jump to 4 if [A]>=0 ; K>=J
        JMP     LABL4           Jump ij K>=J
        LDA     K       J=J-K
        ADA     J
        STA     J
        LDA     K       K=K/2
        STA     K
        JMP     LABL3           Goto3
LABL4   LDA     J       J=J+K  End of LOOP 4
        ADA     K
        STA     J
        LDA     NM1             Take care of the end of DO LOOP 4  L=1,NM1
        ADA     L
        JMP     L4S             L#NM1 ; return to the top of the LOOP
*  Calculate the FFT according to figure 12.5
        STA     M
L6SA    ISZ     M       Start of DO LOOP 6  (a)  M=1,N
        DLD     FONE            U=CMPLX(1.0,0.0)
        DST     DU,I
        CLA                     Load a 0.0 into AB
        DST     DUP2,I
        LDX     M       ME=2*  (Shall perform RAL s)*M
FFT3    RAL             Multiply by 2
        JMP     FFT3
        STA     ME
        ERA                     K=ME/2
        STA     K
        JSB     GETW            W is selected from tables of SIN & COS
        STA     J
L6SB    ISZ     J       Start of DO LOOP 6  (b)  J=1,K (Loop 6(b) tests at it's end)
        LDA     ME              Set initial L to J-ME
        ADA     J
        STA     L
L5S     LDA     L       DO LOOP 5  L=J,NFFT,ME  (Loop 5 tests at it's end)
        ADA     ME
        STA     L
        LDA     L       LPK=L+K
        ADA     K
        STA     LPK
        ADA     ASTM4
        STA     C2              C2 points to A(LPK)
        STA     CPTR1           CPTR1 points to A(LPK)
        LDA     L
        ADA     ASTM4
        STA     C1              C1 points to A(L)
        LDA     DU              T=A(LPK)*U
        STA     CPTR2
        LDA     DT
        STA     CPTR3
        JSB     CMP
        LDA     C1              A(LPK)=A(L)-T
        STA     CPTR1
        LDA     DT
        STA     CPTR2
        LDA     C2
        STA     CPTR3
        JSB     CSB
        LDA     C1              A(L)=A(L)+T
        STA     CPTR1
        STA     CPTR3
        LDA     DT
        STA     CPTR2
        JSB     CAD
L5F     LDA     NFFT            Load LOOP 5 counter limit
        ADA     L       [A] = L-NFFT
        SSA                     Get out of LOOP if (NFFT-L)<0
        JMP     L5S
L6FB    LDA     DU              U=U*W
        STA     CPTR3
        STA     CPTR1
        LDA     DW
        STA     CPTR2
        JSB     CMP
        LDA     J       Check DO LOOP 6(b) counter
        ADA     K
        JMP     L6SB            J#K then jump to top of DO LOOP
L6FA    LDA     M       Check DO LOOP 6(a) counter
        ADA     N
        JMP     L6SA            Keep DOing until M=N
        JMP     FFT,I
*Cross correlation group of routines
*Set up the timer1 latch
*Data in the A register
*Uses the B register
        LDB     00              Temp store A > B
        AND     BITS8           Obtain the leftmost 8 bits
        IOR     RS1
        IOR     TMWR
        JSB     OUT11
        LDA     01              Restore A
        AND     BITS8           Obtain the rightmost 8 bits
        IOR     RS1
        IOR     RS0
        IOR     TMWR
        JSB     OUT11
        JMP     T1SET,I
*Transmit routine
* B register = the number of samples
* X register = the buffer start address
        LDA     TACW1
        OTA     6B              Output a control word initialising DCPC1
TA1     CLC     2B
        IOR     TACW2
        OTA     2B              Output a DCPC1 transmit control word
TA2     STC     2B
        OTB     2B
TA3     STC     10B,C  This is the start
        STC     6B,C
        SFS     6B
        JMP     *-1  Wait until the data has been transferred
        JMP     TAS,I
TACW1   OCT     120010                  ????  Check these values before use
TACW2   OCT     100000                  ????
*Timer 2 set routine
* Data in the A register
* Uses the B register
        LDB     00
        AND     BITS8
        IOR     RS1
        IOR     TMWR
        JSB     OUT11           Output the MS8bits
        LDA     01
        AND     BITS8
        IOR     RS0
        IOR     RS2
        IOR     TMWR
        JSB     OUT11           Output the LS8bits
        JMP     T2SET,I
*Receive routine
* B register = Number of samples
* X register = buffer start address
        LDA     RACW1
        OTA     6B
RA1     CLC     2B
        IOR     RACW2
        OTA     2B
RA2     STC     2B
        OTB     2B
RA3     STC     10B,C  Start of looping
        STC     6B,C
        SFS     6B
        JMP     *-1
        JMP     RAS,I
RACW1   OCT     120010                  ????  Check these values before use
RACW2   OCT     100000                  ????
*Conjugate and Cross multiply
* A = array1 address
* B = array2 address
* X = output array address
* Y = number of points
        STA     CXMP1
        STB     CXMP2
        STX     CXMP3
        STB     CXMP4           This is the Imag(array2) pointer
        FSB     CXMP4,I
        DST     CXMP4,I  Conjugate
        LDA     CXMP1
        STA     CPTR1
        LDA     CXMP2
        STA     CPTR2
        LDA     CXMP3
        STA     CPTR3
        JSB     CMP             Multiply
        LDX     CD4
        LDB     DCXMP
CXM2    LDA     01,I
        ADA     CD4
        STA     01,I    Increment 4 pointers by 4
        JMP     CXM2
        JMP     CXM1
        JMP     CXM,I
CXMP1   BSS     1
CXMP2   BSS     1
CXMP3   BSS     1
CXMP4   BSS     1
* Cross multiply routine
* A = array1 address
* B = array2 address
* X = output array address
* Y = number of points
XM      NOP
        STA     CXMP1
        STB     CXMP2
        STX     CXMP3
XM1     LDA     CXMP1
        STA     CPTR1
        LDA     CXMP2
        STA     CPTR2
        LDA     CXMP3
        STA     CPTR3
        JSB     CMP             Multiply
        LDX     CD3
        LDB     DCXMP
XM2     LDA     01,I
        ADA     CD4
        STA     01,I    Increment 3 pointers by 4
        JMP     XM2
        JMP     XM1
        JMP     XM,I
*Sort routine to find the maximum of a floating real array
* A = Address of the start of the buffer
* X = Number of samples
* SMAX = the final maximum
* SRT3 = address of SMAX
        STA     SRT1
        STA     SRT3            Let SRT3 be the address of BIG
        DLD     SRT1,I
        DST     SMAX            Let SMAX be BIG
        ISZ     SRT1
        ISZ     SRT1
SORT1   DLD     SRT1,I  [AB] = number
        FSB     SMAX            [AB] = number - BIG
        JMP     SORT2           Jump if BIG > number
        DLD     SRT1,I
        DST     SMAX            Reset BIG
        LDA     SRT1
        STA     SRT3
SORT2   ISZ     SRT1
        ISZ     SRT1
        JMP     SORT1
        JMP     SORT,I
SMAX    BSS     2
SRT1    BSS     1
SRT3    BSS     1
* Main control routine
XCORT   NOP             Cross correlation routine 1
        LDA     DCRA1           Complex Float array S1 >> array CARA1
        LDB     S1S
        LDX     NB
        JSB     ICFLT
        LDA     DCRA1           Take the FFT of array CARA1
        LDB     NB
        JSB     FFT
        LDA     DCRA2           Complex Float array B1 >> array CARA2
        LDB     B1S
        LDX     NB
        JSB     ICFLT
        LDA     DCRA2           Take the FFT of array CARA2
        LDB     NB
        JSB     FFT
        LDA     DCRA1           array CARA3 = array CARA1 * CONJUGATE array CARA2
        LDB     DCRA2
        LDX     DCRA3
        LDY     NB
        JSB     CXM
        LDA     DCRA3           Take the inverse FFT of array CARA3
        LDB     NB
        JSB     INFFT
        LDA     DCRA3           Calculate the power of CARA3 into array CARA2
        LDB     DCRA2
        LDX     NB
        JSB     POWER
XCRT2   LDA     DCRA2           Sort out the maximum value of the Correlogram
        LDX     NB
        JSB     SORT
        LDA     DCRA2           IFIX and scale the power into 8bit array Z1
        LDB     Z1S
        LDY     CD250
        LDX     NB
        JSB     RIFIX
        LDA     BIT13           Trigger the CRO when plotting the XCORR
        JSB     OUT10
        JSB     OUT10
        LDB     Z1S
        LDY     NB
        JSB     OUT10
        JMP     XCRT4
        JSB     VOUTZ
        JMP     OPS             Return to the operating system
XFX     NOP             Fast XC routine
        SBS     BIT3            TESTB  Set the fast FFT control bit
        LDA     DCRA2           Complex Float array B1 >> array CARA2
        LDB     B1S
        LDX     NB
        JSB     ICFLT
        LDA     DCRA2           Take the FFT of array CARA2
        LDB     NB
        JSB     FFT
        LDA     DCRA1           array CARA3 = CONJ( array CARA1 ) *  array CARA2
        LDB     DCRA2
        LDX     DCRA3
        LDY     NB
        JSB     XM
        LDA     DCRA3           Take the inverse FFT of array CARA3
        LDB     NB
        JSB     INFFT
        LDA     DCRA3           Calculate the "power of CARA3 into array CARA2
        LDB     DCRA2
        LDX     NB
        JSB     PWR2
        CBS     BIT3            TESTB  Clear the fast FFT control bit
        JMP     OPS
        JMP     XCRT2
*  This routine takes the FFT of S1 and stores its
*  complex conjugate in array 1 .
        LDA     DCRA1           Complex Float array S1 >> array CARA1
        LDB     S1S
        LDX     NB
        JSB     ICFLT
        LDA     DCRA1           Take the FFT of array CARA1
        LDB     NB
        JSB     FFT
        LDA     DCRA1           Complex conjugate the FFT of the tx signal
        STA     CXMP1
        LDX     NB
        FSB     CXMP1,I
        DST     CXMP1,I
        LDA     CXMP1
        ADA     CD4             Increment the imaginary part pointer
        STA     CXMP1
        JMP     XEX1
        JMP     OPS
* This routine calculates the power of a complex vector
* A = address of the input complex floating array
* B = address of the output real floating array
* X = the number of values
        STA     P1
        STB     P2
PWR1    DLD     P1,I  Load a real number
        FMP     0       Square it
        DST     P3              Temporarily store it
        ISZ     P1
        ISZ     P1
        DLD     P1,I
        FMP     0       Square the imaginary part
        FAD     P3              Add both the squared parts of the number together
PWR0    JSB     SQRT            Obtain the square root
        DST     P2,I
        ISZ     P1
        ISZ     P1
        ISZ     P2
        ISZ     P2
        JMP     PWR1
        JMP     POWER,I
PWR2    NOP             This routine calculates the square
        LDY     PWR20           of the power of an array
        STY     PWR0            Remove the JSB SQRT
        JSB     POWER
        LDA     PWR21
        STA     PWR0            Restore the JSB SQRT
        JMP     PWR2,I
PWR21   JSB     SQRT
* FFT test routine
* B1 = INFFT ( FFT ( S1 ) )
FTX     LDA     FTXX
        STA     SPXX            Write a JSB INFFT into routine SPX
        JSB     SPX             Perform signal processing with inverse FFT
        CLA                     ( Perform both forward and inverse transforms )
        STA     SPXX            Rewrite a NOP into SPX
        JMP     OPS             Return to operating system
*[0]MISC1 LIA 01B
*[0] CLB
*[0] FLT
*[0] FIX
*[0] OTA 01B
*[0] HLT
*[0] JMP MISC1
*[0] LDX ZZ2
*[0] HLT
*[0] JMP MISC2
*[0]ZZ1 BSS 1
*[0]ZZ2 BSS 1
*[0]ZZ3 BSS 1
*[0] LIA 01B
*[0] CLB
*[0] FLT
*[0] DST ZZ3,I
*[0] ISZ ZZ3
*[0] ISZ ZZ3
*[0] HLT
*[0] JMP MISC3+1
*[0]MISC4 LIA 01B
*[0] STA ZZ3
*[0] DLD ZZ3,I
*[0] FIX
*[0] ISZ ZZ3
*[0] ISZ ZZ3
*[0] HLT
*[0] JMP MISC4+2
        ORG     4000B
RXDAT   OCT     143720                  The control and value data for routine RGX
        OCT     151750
        OCT     170764
        OCT     040310
        OCT     050144
        OCT     070062
        OCT     000024
        OCT     010012
        OCT     030005
BNASC   BSS     6
INP     BSS     50
TTXM    ASC     3,TX    T =  
        OCT     2000            EOT value for ASCT
FFXM    ASC     4,FUND  F =
        OCT     2000            EOT value for ASCT
RGM     ASC     5,RX    GAIN = 
        OCT     2000            EOT value for ASCT
RWXM    ASC     6,TX-RX D T = 
        OCT     2000            EOT value for ASCT
        OCT     2000            EOT value for ASCT
RM16    ASC     9,? VALUES READ IN :
        OCT     2000            EOT value for ASCT
        OCT     2000            EOT value for ASCT
PAUSE   BSS     20              20 NOPs
        JMP     *+1,I
        DEF     CONT
S1      BSS     CNST1           Output signal buffer
B1      BSS     CNST1           Return signal buffer
Z1      BSS     CNST1           Miscellaneous signal buffer
CARA1   BSS     CNST2           (Cnst2/4) complex long array
CARA2   BSS     CNST2           (Cnst2/4) complex long array
CARA3   BSS     CNST2           (Cnst2/4) complex long array
BOTOM   OCT     125252
PTC2    DEF     APUN
PTC3    JSB     PTC1,I
        JSB     PTC2,I
        JMP     PTC3

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